Gorubathan College Admission 2025 Online Form for UG/PG CBCS Merit List @ gorubathanggdc.co.in

Gorubathan Government General Degree College admission procedure begins for NEP FYUGP 1st semester admission by releasing Gorubathan College merit list and document verification. Gorubathan College provisional merit list, final merit list, counselling schedule, required documents, fees, etc., are informed through the official admission website - gorubathanggdc.co.in.

Gorubathan Govt College Merit List 2025 for UG 1st Sem Admission & Cut Off:

Gorubathan College UG merit list, Gorubathan College PG merit list and Gorubathan College 1st sem merit list announcement are done for part 1 or 1st year for those students who are going to take admission in BA, B.Com, B.Sc for General, Hons, Pass, Program courses.

NBU Results

Admission, Merit, Counselling Info Selection, Merit List/Important Dates
Admission Support/Helpline 7602794521
Admission official website gorubathanggdc.co.in/admission.html

Gorubathan Govt Gen Deg College merit list is prepared on the basis of marks obtained in WBBSE Madhyamik result/WBCHSE HS result/10+2/XII/HS examination. Subject combination for a particular courses in Gorubathan Govt College merit list is also are based on the marks obtained in Science (PCB/PCM of I.Sc), Commerce (I.Com) and Arts (IA) final exam.

Gorubathan College Intake Capacity Category-Wise for UG:

Qualified students through the merit list are selected for Gorubathan Govt College admission. The list of admission is published at: gorubathanggdc.co.in to call them for Gorubathan College counselling schedule and document verification.

Gorubathan Govt College Profile, Contact, Address & Helpdesk Info:
College Name Gorubathan Government General Degree College
Founded 2015
Affiliated From North Bengal University, Siliguri, West Bengal
Contact No. +91 94770 50062
Email-Id ggdc.gbn@gmail.com
Address Fagu, Kalimpong – 735231, West Bengal
Official Website www.gorubathanggdc.co.in

Course fees of Gorubathan Government General Degree College and ranking or placement depends upon the results secured by the students in class XII exam. Gorubathan Govt Gen Deg College admission details, merit list, course fees, results, admit card, document verification info, counselling details and subject combination are made available through: www.gorubathanggdc.co.in, official website.

Gorubathan Government College Admission Counselling Rules & Regulation:

  • Applicants have to fill Gorubathan Govt College admission online form within the scheduled date
  • Payments of Gorubathan College admission form is not refundable
  • If needed, correction in Gorubathan Govt Gen Deg College provisional merit list may be done but within the schedule date
  • Candidates seeking admission in Gorubathan College have to produce original copies of all the documents at the time of admission

Gorubathan College admission procedure begins for annual pattern (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) of 1+1+1 and for CBCS semester pattern (1st sem, 2nd sem, 3rd sem, 4th sem, 5th sem, 6th sem).

How to Apply for Gorubathan College Admission 2025 Online?

  • Visit the official website: gorubathanggdc.co.in
  • Click on “Apply Now” button and register yourself for Gorubathan Government General Degree College
  • You will get SMS of application number and proceed with entering Gorubathan Government College admission details
  • Upload photograph, make payment and download Gorubathan College admission online application to take a printout

North Bengal University Exam Routine

Attend counselling schedule, if your name is listed in Gorubathan Govt College final merit list to get admission. You have to produce original documents and pay fees as advised by admission in-charge of Gorubathan Government General Degree College.

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