Bachelor of Arts (BA) Part 1 Philosophy syllabus and course input details have been confirmed by Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University, Ayodhya.
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Paper – I (Indian Philosophy) of RMLAU Faizabad BA Philosophy Part 1 Syllabus: |
- Introduction: Common characteristics and classification of Indian Philosophical Schools: Astika and Nastika
- Carvaka School— Epistemology, Metaphysics
- Jainism — Concept of Sat, Dravya , Paryaya, Guna; Anekantavada, Syadvada and Sapta bhanginaya
- Buddhism — Four noble Truths, Theory of Dependent Origination (Pratityasam utpa davada ), Definition of Reality (Arthakriya karitvam sattvam ), Doctrine of Momentariness (Ksanabhangavada), Theory of no-soul (Nairatmyavada), and Nirvana
- Nyaya –Pramaand Pramana , Pratyaksa (Definition), Sannikarsa, Classification of Pratyaksa: Nirvikalpaka, Savikalpaka, Laukika, Alaukika; Anumiti, Anumana (Definition), vyapti, paramarsa, Classification of Anumana: purvavat, sesavat, smanya todrista, kevalanvayi, kevala vyatireka, anvaya vyatireka, svartha numana, parartha numana, Upamana, Sabda Pramana
- Vaisesika— Seven Padarthas, dravya, guna, karma, samanya, visesa, samavaya, abhava
- Samkhya— Satkaryavada, Nature of Prakrti, its constituents and proofs for its existence. Nature of Purusa and proofs for its existence, plurality of purusas, theory of evolution
- Yoga— Citta, Cittavrtti, Cittabhumi. Eight fold path of Yoga, God
- Mimamsa (Prabhakara and Bhatta): Arthapatti and Anupa labdhi as sources of knowledge
- Advaita Vedanta— Sankara’s view of Brahman, Saguna and Nirguna Brahman, Three grades of Satta: pratibha sika, vyavaharika and paramarthika, Jiva, Jagat and Maya
- Visistadvaita Vedanta— Ramanuja’s view of Brahman, Jiva, Jagat. Refutation of the doctrine of Maya
Suggested Readings: |
- Outlines of Indian Philosophy: M. Hiriyanna
- A Critic al Survey of Indian Philosophy: C.D. Sharma
- An Introduction to Indian Philosophy: D. M. Dutta & S.C. Chatterjee
- Classical Indian Philosophy: J.N. Mohanty
- Indian Philosophy (Vol I & II): S. Radha Krishnan
- Bhartiya Darshan: Aalochan evam anusheelan: C.D. Sharma
- Bhartiya Darshan: Dutta evam Chatterjee
- Bhartiya Darshan ka sarvekshana: S.L. Pandey
Paper – II (Modern Western Philosophy) of Avadh University BA Philosophy Part 1 Syllabus: |
- Characteristics and relevance of modern philosophy
- Descartes: Cartesian method of doubt, cogito ergosum, criterion of truth, types of ideas, Proofs for the existence of God, mind -body relation: interactionism
- Spinoza: Doctrine of substance, a tributes and modes, existence of God, Pantheism, parallelism
- Leibniz: Monads, truths of reason, truths of facts, innateness of ideas, Doctrine of Pre-established harmony
- Locke: Refutation of innate ideas, the origin and formation of ideas, simple and complex ideas, substance, modes and relations, nature of knowledge and its degrees, limits of knowledge, primary and secondary qualities.
- Berkeley: Refutation of abstract ideas. Criticism of Locke’s distinction between primary and secondary qualities, Immaterialism, esse-est-percipi, role of God
- Hume: Impression and ideas, distinction between judgments concerning relations of ideas and judgments concerning matters of fact, theory of causality, theory of self and personal identity, Scepticism
- Kant: Conception of critical Philosophy, distinction between a priori and a posteriori judgments, distinction between analytic and synthetic judgments. Possibility of Synthetic a priori judgments
Suggested Readings: |
- History of Modern Philosophy: R. Falckenberg
- A Critic al History of Modern Philosophy: Y.H. Masih
- A History of Philosophy: F. Thilly
- A History of Modern Philosophy: W .K. Wright
- A Critical History of Western Philosophy: D.J. O ’Connor
- A History of Philosophy from Descartes to Wittgenstein: R. Scruton
- The Fundamenta l Questions of Philosophy: A.C. Ewing
- A Brief History of Western Philosophy: A. Kenny
- Adhunik Darshan Ki Bhoomika: S.L. Pandey
- Adhunik Darshan Ka Vaigyanik Itihas: J.S. Srivastava
Download RMLAU BA Philosophy 1st year syllabus here in PDF: